
Undergraduate Degrees in Management and Marketing


In the Department of Management and Marketing at Bridgewater State University, 我们在不断变化的社会和经济背景下研究管理和市场营销, 在一个强大的文科框架内提供沉浸式教育. 我们的管理学士学位是根据您的兴趣和职业目标提供各种浓度. We also offer a bachelor’s degree in marketing.

管理和市场营销学士学位的学生掌握适用于商业职业的技能, government and nonprofit sectors. Educated to be lifelong learners, BSU管理学学士毕业生准备成为他们所在行业的领导者,并继续在包括人力资源在内的一系列领域脱颖而出, supply chain and operations, information systems and marketing, among others. 拥有市场营销学士学位的人将成为品牌专家, marketing strategists, vice presidents of marketing, creatives and more.

Management and Marketing Highlights

Dr. Marian Extjet teaching a Management class

Learn under a dedicated faculty

ladbrokes立博中文版的教职员工为你的教育和未来的成功投资. 他们会与你密切合作,确定你的兴趣和优势, develop specialties and prepare you for success.
student giving presentation at podium with computer

Get experience while you earn your degree

While studying at BSU, 你将有机会参加从营销公司到零售分销商等组织的宝贵实习, including placements at organizations like TJ Maxx, Northwestern Mutual, 联合包裹服务(UPS)和南岸医疗系统.
BSU AMA table at student involvement fair

American Marketing Association

BSU的美国营销协会(AMA)分会通过管理筹款活动等活动帮助学生积累经验, 制定营销计划,并邀请具有专业营销背景的演讲嘉宾.

Learn and network from people in the business

你将有机会参观波士顿的公司,比如Draft Kings, PricewaterhouseCoopers, 在获得市场营销学士学位或管理学学士学位的同时建立真正的联系, 让你了解雇主和潜在的职业.

Get real experiential learning

通过BSU的CUBEs计划(合作大学商业体验), 你将有机会与地区和国家企业合作,以教师为主导, 一学期的商业项目,为你的简历和职业生涯做准备.

Flexibility to learn on your schedule

BSU’s College of Continuing Studies 给你最大的灵活性来完成你的学位. 综合管理理学学士学位, Information Systems Management, Operations and Supply Chain Management, 市场营销课程白天在桥水大学的主校区上课, or you may pursue your degree at night. 我们的夜间课程遵循与日间课程相同的要求和课程, 我们的许多教员在白天和晚上都授课. 综合管理理学学士课程也可在网上获得!

Compete in BSU’s Bear BID Competition

无论你是想获得市场营销学士学位, 管理或其他商业相关专业学士学位, 你被邀请参加这个项目,在这个项目中,你可以提出商业想法,并为创业争夺资金.

Looking to transfer?

你知道波士顿州立大学35%的本科生是转校生吗? Our dedicated Transfer Services 工作人员将与您一起找出如何转移学分, which courses to take next, 以及如何融入BSU社区.


Depending on your major, minor or concentration, 你将学习各种各样的课程,为你的管理打下坚实的基础, business, economics, 市场营销和更多的东西会让你在专业上立即做出贡献. 这些只是你在我们的市场营销和管理项目中要学习的一些课程:

  • Marketing Principles
  • Principles of Management
  • Human Resources Management
  • Fundamentals of Information Systems
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Marketing Management and Strategy
  • Digital Marketing


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作为管理课程的一部分,我培养了自己强大的领导能力和自我生产力. 通过与同龄人合作,我也积累了技能、信心、智慧和知识. Most importantly, 我的专业转变也来自于教师的承诺,以及他们鼓励像我这样的学生渴望改变大学和世界的动力.”
Doreen Acheampong, '22
Management, Global Management Concentration, BS

Careers in Management and Marketing

无论你在BSU获得营销或管理学位后选择什么道路, you’ll graduate with the education, 在各种行业和公司找到工作的技能和经验, including careers such as:

  • Financial Manager
  • Marketing and Advertising Manager
  • IT Manager
  • Human Resources Manager
  • Engineering Manager
  • Natural Sciences Manager

You’ll find our alumni at Geico, CVS, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Rockland Trust, Wayfair, State Street and Hub Spot — among many others.




a student speaking in class


ladbrokes立博中文版(Bridgewater State University)获得研究生学位,继续攻读管理学学士或市场营销理学学士学位. 我们提供高级学位课程来磨练你的技能和加深你的知识,例如:

  • Business Administration, MBA
  • Business Foundations Graduate Certificate